On Wednesday, February 12, doors will open for all students at 10 a.m. Staff should report by 9:30 a.m. No Morning Care at Fairmount. »

Uniform Guidelines (Poplar Campus)

Grades 9-12

Shirts for both young men and young ladies must have collars, be buttoned and tucked in. Shirts for both young men and young ladies must be worn at all times, with or without a sweater. Shirts must be purchased from the uniform company. Flynn & O’Hara is the official uniform vendor for The City School. Shirts may be white, pale yellow, or pale blue.

Young ladies may wear only their collar button unbuttoned if not wearing the school tie. Young men must wear the school tie at all times.

T-shirts or any clothing worn under the shirt must be plain white and should not show below shirt sleeves.

Pants and shorts must be purchased from the approved vendors. Flynn & O’Hara is the official uniform vendor for The City School. Limited additional pant options are available in the uniform guide. All young ladies are encouraged to purchase uniform pants and/or warm tights to wear during winter months. Pants should be worn on the waist, not below the waist. Uniform skirts will fall approximately, no more than, 1-2 inches above the knee.

All blazers must be from the uniform company. Flynn & O’Hara is the official uniform vendor for The City School. There are no other approved vendors for blazers.

All ties must be from the uniform company. Flynn & O’Hara is the official uniform vendor for The City School. Students must keep the top button of their shirts buttoned at all times that a tie is worn. Young men must wear the school tie at all times.

Students may only wear uniform jackets and sweaters during the school day. Any non-uniform outerwear (sweaters, sweatshirts, hoodies, etc.) must be placed in the student’s locker before the school day begins. Non-uniform outerwear (jackets, sweaters, hoodies, etc.) may be worn only when entering and exiting the buildings. This includes before school, between classes, at lunch, and at the end of the school day.

The following guidelines must be followed when purchasing shoes: Black shoes, boots, or athletic shoes. Shoes must have a closed heel and toe. Sandals and flip-flops are prohibited. Shoes may not have more than a one-inch heel. Athletic shoes must be worn on gym days.

Shoes must be black, but should be plain, free from characters, lights, and decorations. Crocs are not an acceptable shoe choice.

Young ladies’ socks must be solid navy, gray, black, or white knee socks (not sheer). Tights must be solid navy, gray, black, or white. Pantyhose must be navy, gray, black, white, or skin tone. Young men must wear black, gray, or white socks.

Hats, hoods, scarves, and other head-gear are not to be worn in the building at any time and must be removed upon entry into the building.

To avoid losing instructional time students will not change for P.E. classes. Students should wear their gym uniform to school on gym days. Gym days will be announced at the beginning of the school year. The following is the
required gym uniform:

    Light gray t-shirt (with school silk screen)
    Navy blue sweatshirt—optional (embroidered)
    Navy blue sweatpants
    Navy blue mesh nylon gym shorts (with silk screen)

ONE CHILD AT A TIME — The City School is a Pre-K to Grade 12 Christian school in the heart of Philadelphia. We believe an excellent education should be accessible for families in the city.